What to say? Drawing pictures and, from there, exploring many other forms of arts and crafts media, have been central to my life since before I can remember. There have periods of time when I have been more "active", such as when an art student at UCLA, and others when less so, as when my kids were very young and there was less time, space, and energy to spend. Never entirely dormant, that creative urge would often take the shape of exotic cooking, sewing, macramé (that dates me pretty well, I think), candles (ditto), or whatever else looked like fun. Artsy tendencies were always leaking out somewhere.

It was in '87, or thereabouts, that I took my first class in calligraphy. I thought, perhaps, that it might help me sharpen up some (possibly rusty) eye-hand coordination and help me with a lingering bugaboo - lettering of any sort. I didn't expect to fall in love. I was dazzled by the beauty of the art made with letters! Such a vast art form, using any and all media!

Over the years since, calligraphy has certainly held the place closest to my heart, art-wise, but I'm quite easily distracted. During most of the nineties and a little beyond, I worked for various churches and church-related groups to create staging for large events (held in hotel ballrooms and conventions centers), full camp-theme decorations, grad-night party environments, youth-group room decorations, and other similar projects. Lots of big stuff made from fabric and foamcore, lumber and pvc. I'll put some photos of that period in the "Archives" when I have time. There's a lot of material there.

More recently, I've returned to calligraphy (having never "left" entirely) and have been exploring some other horizons, as well. Stained glass has been the most prominent of these. I love the colored light and will continue to work at creating new designs for this medium. Mosaic is another form of color-play that I'm enjoying. And I love making baskets from pine needles, and knitting, and watercolor, and gardening, and...

I hope you enjoy looking around the site. I will keep adding to it, so come back soon!

That's me on Mt. Whitney, 14,500 feet.